
Upcoming Interview

When we were at dinner on Monday night with David's family, I saw a man who works at a private school here in DeLand. He was the third person from that school that I have run into recently, all of them telling me that I needed to apply for a teaching position there. After three people told me, I figured I might as well check it out. I called the school on Tuesday to be certain they were accepting resumes. They said they would have openings in the fall, so to bring my resume on by. Guess what grade will be available? Third! I did my student teaching in third grade! So, yesterday, I dropped off a cover letter and a resume.

The "Head of the School" called me today to set up an interview. I would greatly appreciate your prayers. My interview is April 7th at 1:30 p.m.

Another prayer request: David is preaching tonight at church... he's also feeling a little bit under the weather. Pray that his voice will hold up okay, and that he will say what the Lord would have him say. Thanks so much!


The Herd said...

I used to teach before kids, but I did the junior high grades...I home school now and we up to the 2nd grade. Third grade is actually when I decided I wanted to be a teacher!

I will pray for your interview and for David's health to be great!

Hannah said...

That is so great!!!! God is so good to answer our prayers. I will pray for you on the interview. Is this the same place you interned?
I will pray for David tonight as he preaches. Pray for mine and Troy's safety as we travel to Phil's wedding.
Love your new blog!!!

Tori said...

Yes, Lauren, I will keep both you and David in my prayers! What an opportunity for you!

The Herd said...

Thanks! The tip worked!