
Proud Homemaker

Unfortunately, in our nation today, many women find the term homemaker degrading. To the general public, it seems to bring a mental picture of a passive woman being controlled unkindly by her heavy-handed husband. In our world, women want to be viewed in the same light as men. They can do everything just as well (I really like a point Bro. James has made a few times: When a woman fights for “equality” and receives it, she should get no special treatment on a job. If she gets a job as a UPS delivery person, should she really get help with the heavier packages? Should she have been hired for the job if she’s incapable of dealing with the size of packages?).

I couldn’t disagree with this way of thinking any more than I do! A woman who lives in a truly Christian home, though commanded to be submissive to her husband or obedient to her father, will be treated with the utmost respect, love, and kindness. She won’t be forced into “obedience.” A loving man who is in submission to God proves he is worthy of her trust and reverence (Eph. 5:33).

Now, I don’t say all this thinking that a woman should, in every single circumstance, be at home without work (the term work is very loosely defined in that sentence. Does the work in a home EVER end??). There are times when the husband you are commanded to follow asks you to get a job. There are times when it is financially necessary (though I think many people can do with far less than they think). The Proverbs 31 woman was obviously a very busy lady both inside and outside her home.

All this is a prelude to the following story story: At the bank today, the lady helping David and me was asking about my occupation. When I said I didn’t have a job, she asked me if I am a house wife/homemaker. She looked almost apologetic and said, “That sounds funny, doesn’t it?” I didn’t mean to contradict her, but couldn’t avoid saying, “Not at all.” David and I just looked at each other and smiled. It’s a job I’m very thankful to have! Even when I had a job outside our home, I was a homemaker. It’s much easier to devote all the necessary attention to that task now that I am not working, though!

One last thought for you ladies: The Bible doesn’t ask us to reverence (Eph 5:33) our husbands only if we deem them worthy. There are no conditions. We as wives are simply given the command. Let’s pray for each other that we’ll do just that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren its Taya. I just found your blog because I was reading David's bible study post and I clicked on the picture which brought me here. Your bacround is so pretty! And now I have a new blog to read :)
Great post... the world today has such distorted views on the "roles" of men and women. Its so wonderful to have Christian people who still believe what the Bible says (considering that many saved people no longer do).
I dont have a blog, but if you would like to reply, you can send it to my email :):)