
Photo Ramblings & Youth Update

this adorable boy was our ring bearer 
crouching for a closer look at a raccoon.  
David with a baby goat
me with an adorable baby goat... dogs
 just might be overrated
"Jesus Saves" shirts are a great witnessing tool
group shot

Brotherly Love [not twins]

On Friday night (the bottom pictures... I have to remember to post the most recent event first rather than last), David and I, plus another man from church, took the 9-12 year old boys to a Christian "fun-zone" type of place.  It had miniature golf, basketball, bounce houses, etc.  They seemed to really enjoy themselves.  For the most part, they were very well behaved.  As I mentioned in a previous post, they somehow decided to start calling me "Teacher."  I have never taught any of them (except one...  I taught one boy piano for a while... but he called me Miss Riley, then Mrs. Brown). They were "all boy" but very nice.  

I almost forgot about this:  The church van overheated when we were on our way... thankfully right in front of an Auto Zone... while David and Mr. E were working on the van, the boys wanted to honk the horn and scare them so badly!  I told them that if Mr. E walked away, they could do it to David, but to their chagrin, Mr. E never did walk away. Probably a good thing for me... smile...  After working on the van for a while, we were able to make it back to the church to trade the van for the bus...  the guys handled this detour very well.  

On Saturday morning, we had an "adventure" with the kids 5-9 (and one 12 year old girl who didn't "fit" anywhere else)...  there were 18 kids with us (unfortunately, some weren't able to make it).  We took them to the house of a family from church who raises goats.  The kids were able to see newborn goats, pet them, hold them, etc.  I was able to capture some of the most adorable pictures!  I can't wait to print some of them out and give them to their moms.  After the goat experience, we took them to eat breakfast/lunch at a ranch...  there's a restaurant overlooking a track where horses race, and they loved it!  We had many of comments on how well-mannered the group was.  We were so happy with those little people!  Then we went to a fish farm (it was pretty nasty... muddy, stinky, ant-infested, etc... but the kids loved it).  Finally, we saw the fence-eating tree...  this tree has grown right over top of a fence, so it appears as if the tree is eating the fence.  The kids thought that was a riot.  It is such a blessing to be around such well-behaved young people.  

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