
5 Month Stats

Can it really be time for Riley's 5 month update?  It doesn't seem like we brought her home from the hospital yesterday anymore, but it certainly doesn't seem like 5 months have passed.   Riley is constantly adding to her repertoire of tricks. 

...  she can sit up on her own while supporting herself with her arms
...  she eats "solids" twice a day
...  her current favorite foods are pears and butternut squash
...  she reaches for Mommy and Daddy when others are holding her
...  she is 100% paci free (and probably was by 3 months, but I think I forgot to mention it)
...  she sucks her thumb occasionally, but we pull it out when she's awake
...  she loves the blanket Grandmommy (David's mom) made for her
...  she's starting to get into crawling position every once in a while
...  she's sleeping MUCH better... I would post her longest stretch but every time I do that we have a sleep regression. : )
...  she gets excited to see David when he comes home from work

We haven't taken the official 5 month pictures yet, but we will soon.  Until then, here are some pictures to get you through.

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